Mission and Vision


To enable business owners, so they can achieve the highest value for their business in both financial and holistic terms  on exit


Kiwi Logic Consulting aims to provide a pragmatic approach to realizing business value

Mission Statements are a way of setting the purpose of a company.  Kiwi Logic Consulting purpose, is to assist business owners in the transition of their business through using a pragmatic, common sense approach to business consulting and coaching. 

At Kiwi Logic we do not believe in a one size fits all approach, we do not believe that we should offer accounting services or that we should be a business brokerage, we do believe that we can offer sound, common sense advice on business performance and developing business exit strategies.  Why? Because we have been successful in developing and realising business value through the management of a clear business transition strategy.  We believe that each business owner has a very individual set of financial and holistic goals that they wish to achieve from the transition of their business.  We aim to provide the information through business coaching to ensure they reach these goals. 

Our vision at Kiwi Logic Consulting is to assist business owners in gaining the knowledge required to develop an achievable business exit strategy.  We aim to achieve this through using a common sense methodology to enable the business owner to develop a set of goals that will take them to a successful business transition.